Friday, October 23, 2015

Cracking the Code

Hi everyone! In GT (Gifted and Talented) we are currently learning code, also known as programming! I really believe that programming is a very important skill, it offers many good jobs, or sometimes, very hooked up Headquarters. Truthfully, I think that everyone should learn at least the basics of coding, as it will be able to unlock doors that you can never imagine. Such as game creating, better jobs, looking good in front of the community, heh.

My first experience with coding was on, (the angry bird level) in GT. It was quite difficult learning the functions, such as repeat and move forward. The first time I saw a repeat function, I didn't use it, I just kept placing forward, then turn left, then forward. Coding is really hard to learn, it just takes a lot of practice. I mean, A LOT, as well amounts of determination.

If I could design any type of game, I would create a medieval game, where you can connect with other players, and battle your way to become the king. This game will allow you to move your character with the same aspects of a simulator. As well allow you to build your fortress and conquer other players. There also will be computer controlled thief's and raiders, in which you can capture, question, loot, execute, and so much more! If not obvious, you can be easily conquered and owned, meaning it is common you will lose, then gain, then lose once more.

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