Thursday, September 3, 2015

Motivational Poster

Hi everyone, its me again. This week, we will be working on something called a Motivational Poster, it will include a poster with a manifesto and a few personal quotes, which will be made in Photoshop. The first requirement needed is our base, this will include 2 text layers. 1 of our personal manifesto, the other layer will have our self-made quotes. When we are done with that, we need 4 images. 3 of our personal symbolic symbols, taken to represent us, as well a portrait of ourself. When we are done with that, we need to edit the poster to fit these certain requirement, needed for us to gain points for our final score. Kerning is a step in which we edit the spacing between words or letters. This is needed so we can kern our words to allow no blank spaces in the poster. Next, is a Triadic Color Scheme, this consist of 1 dominant color equally balanced with 2 accent colors, needed for correct and elegant coloring of our poster. After that, we need Visual Balance. This gives the poster visual weight, as in being equal on both sides. This can relate to items such as our nose or eyes. And last but obviously not least, the option of Blending. This can make a letter sprout with color, or make the word italic or bold! This is our requirements for our motivational poster to get a good grade.

  It took a lot of days to create this poster. First, we took our 3 symbolic symbols, then after long thought, we created our Manifesto, personal quotes and a self portrait. Then came the hard part, we had to work in Photoshop to add our manifesto and personal quotes together, while kerning and editing them to fit the entire page! Finally, we simply added the 4 pictures, spaced them out equally, and then color/highlight the words to make them stand out from the background, to do this, we used a triadic color scheme.. It was a really fun experience!

  Making the motivational poster was really difficult, Truthfully, to me, the hardest part was kerning. Kerning is the tool that allows us to edit the spacing between both letters and words! We had to edit our spacing so that there will be exactly no empty spaces in our whole entire poster! It was hard considering how many properties and aspects you have to understand to kern properly. For example, I once resized my words, then kerned It to the bottom of the page until it completely was gone! Turns out, because I resized it and placed it on the bottom of the page, the program counted that I wanted to move it to the next line. I ended up forcing myself to add more to my Manifesto instead of kerning the spaces out of my area. I had to actually skip a few recesses and lunch to get past he kerning area. I think the only way to get past this mess is to simply keep your cool, and keep trying. Photoshop takes a lot of time to get used to!

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