Hi everyone! I hope you all had a fun Easter! This week in GT we are creating an animation of ourselves. I believe that I am a clumsy procrastinator, I constantly push all my work back to the last hour or so. I once spilled my chili all over my homework assignment. My imperfection is that I always will hold my breath every time I breath, no matter if I am in the water or out in the air, it lasts for around 3 - 10 seconds, then
I breath again and repeat my odd habit.

The character traits that I plan to exaggerate is my anxiety. I always get really nervous on something minor and major alike. Such as presenting in front of my classmates or going on a off-island trip. I plan to show this in my animation by showing myself freak out often, as well doing the very distracting habits, such as consistently. saying "um" or show my hands fiddle.

The step by step process of making a animated .GIF, in my opinion is very difficult. You start out by taking a picture of your subject, (in which case is myself) then you would cut it out using Photoshop's quick selection tool. After that, you will take the cut out picture of yourself and use Photoshop's Puppet Warp, placing "pins" on all your limbs so you can move your character with each frame. I sorta do not enjoy this process, just because of how one little mistake can ruin the final product, Such as not having your arms spread apart enough when taking your picture, even doing a poor cut on Photoshop.